
How Has America Been Influenced Culturally By Foreign Production Services


Creativity, which refers to the generation of useful and advisable new ideas (Dong et al., 2016), is ane of the most of import capabilities of the xx-kickoff century (Fink et al., 2014; Miron-Spektor and Beenen, 2015). There are two common elements in the definition of creativity, namely novelty and applicability (Sternberg et al., 1999; Runco and Jaeger, 2012). The measurements of creativity include the cognitive process of the creativity and creative support, such as the measurement of creative functioning through problem solving tasks, remote association task, story-writing task and divergent thinking tasks (Leung, 2008) Inventiveness depends on many factors including surround, personality, cognition and motivation and so on (Amabile, 1996; Csikszentmihalyi, 1996; Sawyer, 2006; De Dreu, 2010; Chua et al., 2012, 2014). Zha et al. (2006) as well proposed that culture could contribute to private creativity in respect of the definition and evaluation of inventiveness. However, whether different cultures accept different influence on creativity and the psychological machinery by which culture influences creativity all remain to be explored.

Recent researches have shown that multicultural feel could enhance creativity (Presbitero, 2016; Falavarjani and Irandust, 2017). Multicultural experience refers to all direct and indirect experiences gained by individuals when they communicate or connect with members or elements of other cultures (Leung, 2008; Aytug et al., 2018). Due to the diversity of cultures, multicultural experience should include not only the experience brought by exposure to cultures of different countries, but also the experience brought by exposure to cultures of unlike nations and regions. Chang et al. (2017) suggested that multicultural experiences not only provide individuals with opportunities to acquire new concepts and cognition, only often require the establishment of innovative frameworks, which help to solve the incongruity when the idea of new learning is incompatible with individuals' prior cognition structures (Chang et al., 2017). Studies also have shown that exposure to working groups that include members of multiple cultures or contacting a various range of perspectives generated by groups, are positively correlated with the evolution of creative potential (Guimerà et al., 2005; Kurpis and Hunter, 2016; Sparkman et al., 2016). Information technology may be that this exposure increases tolerance for the mixed views of organizations and teams. Other research shows that individuals who speak two kinds of language have college levels of creative performance than those who speak ane language (Lambert et al., 1973). In addition, previous evidence showed that race various groups, such as showtime or second generation immigrants, were more creative (Simonton, 1999), which was evaluated by multidimensional indexes, such every bit verbal fluency, flexibility and originality (Chang et al., 2014). Chang et al. (2015) found that the children of parents from two different cultures would have better performance in general fields and special fields mathematics creativity. Tendayi Viki and Williams (2014) constitute that the bicultural experience in the family is conducive to the inventiveness of children who belong to mixed race group. In addition, more than and more enquiry shows that studying abroad could stimulate individuals' creativity (Hu et al., 2017). Also, the results found that people who lived abroad could solve the Duncker Candle Problem much more hands than those who did not, while the time spent living abroad significantly predicted creative solutions. Still, the time spent on traveling abroad before had no correlation with individual creativity (Galinsky et al., 2006; Falavarjani and Irandust, 2017). Shi et al. (2012) found that the disintegration of multicultural experience general knowledge structure improved the access to knowledge which was difficult to obtain in conventional cases. Yang and Li (2015) suggested that individuals with multicultural experience were more than likely to obtain complex construct cultural cognition and improved their cognitive complexity. And research also showed that multicultural experience would enable individuals to adopt the global processing cognitive styles in information processing (Yang and Wan, 2012; Yang, 2014). All of these studies showed that creativity was promoted to a certain extent when an individual was in one or more than new cultures, and previous studies have indicated that this was most likely due to the fact that when an individual experienced a multicultural environs, the cognitive process would be inverse, which might enhance individuals' creativity.

For individuals without experience abroad, studies also found that the multicultural experience could make the participants tend to the whole processing of information, and properly has the pregnant positive correlation with creative problem solving (Gaither C. J. et al., 2015). It can also have a positive impact on exact creative tasks. Furtherly, the scores of novelty of the AUT chore and story-writing task of the participants in the American culture priming group were significantly higher than those in the Chinese culture grouping and the control group, and multiracial participants who were primed with flexible multiracial identities performed significantly improve on RAT tasks than non-primed multiracial participants and primed mono-indigenous participants. These studies have shown that even if individuals do non alive in a new cultural environs, they could notwithstanding get multicultural experience by civilization priming, and the promotion effect on creativity might still be, which proved the effectiveness of the cultural initiation paradigm to some extent.

Leung and Chiu (2010) using cultural priming prototype, found the multicultural feel could assistance to improve individuals' creativity. Co-ordinate to researchers exposed to different cultures, the individuals' concepts would be expanded, and so equally to improve the creativity of the individuals. All the same, Leung simply found this phenomenon under dual cultural conditions, and this indicate of view is obviously not plenty to explain all the experimental results. In Leung's written report, participants only exposed to Chinese cultural elements were actually stimulated past new cultural elements and gained multicultural experience. However, their creativity was not improved, then the influence of multicultural experience on inventiveness was not necessarily due to concept expansion. In addition, on business relationship of the difference in mainstream civilisation and the disparity in national development level, American college students' degree of involvement and familiarity with Chinese civilisation is greatly different from that of Chinese college students' degree of interest and familiarity with American culture, which leads to different results in the influence on creativity. Therefore, we speculate that since this experiment's participants were all college students in the U.s.a., different results would exist obtained if the college students in People's republic of china participated in the experiment. We speculate that since the participants used in this experiment are American college students, if the subjects were replaced past participants from another cultural environment, the results might exist dissimilar. Because of the deviation in mainstream culture, as well as the difference in the 2 countries level of development, American students' interest and familiarity in Chinese culture may exist different than Chinese students', leading to the change on the creative power also could produce unlike results. Therefore, we would test this assumption in study 1.

Studies have shown that when individuals are separated from the environs or customs they used to live in, they would feel a sense of physical and emotional maladjustment which was brought by cultural daze caused by the new environment (Junaid and Pertiwi, 2017). Cultural shock refers to the psychological reaction when most people are exposed to a new culture that they take never experienced before. Unlike cultural shocks tin pb to different psychological responses, such as feet, surprise and confusion when people enter the new environs (Kristian, 2013). Cultural shock may have some positive emotions, such as surprise, excitement, careful and practiced social interaction and adaptation of life changes. These experiences are probable to improve private physiological activation level.

Clark et al. (1993) pointed out that high creativity individuals has faster synapses activities and more abundant chemical composition of neurons, so that there may be a more circuitous neural model underlying the information processing of high inventiveness individuals. He also pointed out that high creativity alpha waves of electric action in the brain maintained more durable and input more quickly, therefore, they had better issue on learning and memory. Co-ordinate to Martindale et al.'s (1996) research, higher creative people have stronger intense peel potential responses to tone stimulation than lower creative people did, and the underlying skin response is covariant with cortical activation levels. Previous written report about artistic individuals showed that the amplitude of the pre-frontal cortex wave was college in the exact association and in the imagination task, while the amplitude of the frontal lobe wave was higher in the imagination task (Hudspith et al., 1985). In researches of EEG on divergent thinking and convergent thinking, Jausovec and Jausovec (2000) constitute that individuals with high creativity have a higher wave power. The investigation of the cortical activity in remote association job, which has 3 atmospheric condition: the classic remote clan job, elementary associative task and eye-opening rest, showed that the power value of the β2 (20–xxx Hz) afar clan chore'south worm two (20–30 Hz) band were significantly increased in various brain regions compared with the other two tasks. The power of θ1 (4–6 Hz) increased significantly in the frontal cortex of the brain; and the α wave (8–13 Hz) was significantly increased in the posterior region of the brain Razumnikova (2007). Carlsson et al. (2000) explored the changes of brain blood menstruation in alternate uses task, and found that the high creativity individuals showed significant activation in both frontal lobes of the brain. Previous studies take shown that when individuals' cognitive activities change, the physiological arousal level might be different with a series of changes. Above results suggested that creativity was closely related to brain activeness and physiological activation.

Some theories suggest that creativity has a lot to do with the level of cortical activation in the encephalon. At that place are two distinct findings about the relationship between creativity and cortical activation. One opinion suggested that high inventiveness people have higher cortical activation levels. Individuals who were more than creative got higher scores on the discussion clan and anxiety tests than those who were less creative did. Furthermore, in that location was a positive correlation between basic pare conductance measurements and creativity tests in high inventiveness individuals (Zhou and Zhang, 2002). Another view claimed that high creativity individuals have lower levels of basic activation. Wyspianski et al. (1963) establish that compared with high creativity people, the aamplitude of α wave is greater in the low creativity people, which tin can correspond the activation level of cerebral cortex. Another experimental evidence showed that the plasma levels of uric acid in the loftier creativity individual are low, since the plasma levels in the high inventiveness individual reflect the physiological activity status, which besides indicates that the basic activation level of the high creativity individual is relatively low. Due to these different findings, some researchers proposed the variability of cortical activation level, and the variability of physiological activation was college in individuals with high inventiveness. Studies by Martindale and Hasenfus (1978) showed that individuals with high inventiveness showed more variability in their skin electrocardiogram and EEG α waves. Previous studies have shown that attentional alacrity level changes are accompanied past a series of physiological arousal changes (Pfaff, 2008; Smolders and de Kort, 2014). For example, the increasing of the sustained attention and the alertness level had a positive relationship with EEG low theta activity (Oken et al., 2006). Besides, there was a negative correlation between attentional alacrity level and Electromyogram (EMG) and maximum fractal length (MFL) of EEG (Arjunan et al., 2009). As we could know from the research reviews above, we could conclude that multicultural experience would alter individuals' cognitive procedure of information processing and changes in cognitive processing were usually accompanied by a series of physiological changes. Since there was a correlation between physiological arousal changes and creativity promotion, study 2 designed to explore the internal machinery of multicultural feel to promote inventiveness from the perspective of physiological arousal. Therefore, in current report, nosotros also wanted to explore the human relationship between multicultural activation and physiological arousal, and the effect of activation of this physiological state on creativity.

Written report 1

To explore the influence of different cultural startup conditions (American cultural priming atmospheric condition, Chinese cultural priming conditions, American–Chinese fusion culture weather condition and control conditions) on the story-writing job.



The participants were selected from students of Southwest University, which were randomly assigned to such four groups. This is a between-subjects pattern with xx subjects in each condition. In accordance with the Announcement of Helsinki (1991), the experiment was approved past the Bookish Committee of the School of Psychology and the local ethics committee of the School of Psychology, Southwest University in China. We had obtained appropriate ethics commission approval for the research reported, and all subjects gave written informed consent before our experiment.


Prime conditions: American cultural priming weather condition, Chinese cultural priming conditions, American–Chinese fusion culture atmospheric condition. Each status was presented to the subjects as a slide prove, which included 160 images and was played with a music background of the corresponding civilization for twenty min. After that were x min music video and 15 min Boob tube video. Materials under the 3 cultural conditions involve various aspects, such equally home ornamentation, entertainment programme music, furniture, costume, cooking, life, film, art and architecture, landscape literature, and and so on. Under the American–Chinese fusion culture conditions, American cultural elements and Chinese cultural elements each account for half, and alternate presented (Zhou et al., 2011).

Creative job: Story-writing task. First of all, let the participants read about the story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid (a Chinese legend), and then allow them to make upwards a new versions of the story for Turkish children. They are required to attempt their best to imagine to rewrite the story, make the story more than creative, novelty and organization. They not simply demand to give participants an overview of the original story, but also the information about Turkey'southward geographical location, climate, religion, economy, manufacture, and a narrative of everyday Turkish life. Importantly, these participants were unfamiliar with Turkish civilisation. Before rewriting the story, the subject was asked to report familiarity with Turkish culture, with a score range one–vii. A score of 1 indicating that he was not at all familiar, and a score of 7 indicating that he was very familiar. Finally, the score was M = ane.72, SD = 0.98.


First of all, the participants were randomly assigned to four kinds of experimental conditions: (1) the American culture status: the participants only watched the slide showing about American culture (two) the Chinese culture status: the participants only watched slides showing about Chinese culture (iii) the American–Chinese fusion civilisation conditions: the participants watched a slide showing of Chinese and American culture alternatively (4) control condition: participants did non scout any ability bespeak slides. The slide lasted 45 min, including pictures of music video in the corresponding civilisation, in which the picture stage was about twenty min, the music stage was well-nigh fifteen min, and the Tv set video stage was almost 10 min, followed past the subjects finishing the story-writing task.

After the experiment, the iv undergraduate students in the department of Chinese language and literature were asked to rate the story making task from the two aspects of novelty and uniqueness (scores ranged from ane to 7). The novel caste of novelty was about the original story, and the uniqueness was relative to the unique degree amid all the stories written. The consistency reliability of novelty was 0.898, the consistency reliability of uniqueness was 0.886.


SPSS16.0 statistical software was used to test the differences in creative functioning under various cultural conditions with ane-way ANAVA (Table 1).

Table 1. The total score and dimension score of the story-writing job under the atmospheric condition of cultural priming.


The results showed that under all the civilization priming weather condition, the novelty of the story-writing task reached marginal significance [F (3, 76) = two.656, p = 0.055, η p 2 = 0.410], and the novelty score of the story-writing task in the U.s. was significantly higher than that in the control group (p = 0.01), and there was no significant departure betwixt the other groups. In addition, in that location was a meaning deviation in the originality of the story-writing task under all the culture priming conditions [F (3, 76) = three.437, p = 0.021, η p 2 = 0.348]. The originality score of American civilization groups was significantly higher than that of the command group (p = 0.002).

In terms of the total scores of story-writing task nether various cultural priming weather, there were significant differences between the groups [F (three, 76) = 3.208, p = 0.028, η p ii = 0.333]. The score of the American civilization grouping was significantly higher than that of the control grouping (p = 0.003).


Base of operations on the experimental results, our study suggested that the multicultural experience did have a significant promoting result on the creativity of the participants, since the performance in American culture priming group was improve than the other groups on the whole. Still, the promoting effect depended on: (1) whether the participants did get the multicultural experience. The multicultural experience can be formed only when the participants have a certain understanding of the new culture; (two) image features contained in multicultural experience. If the multicultural feel included prototypes that promoted artistic piece of work, the multicultural experience would promote creativity.

From the study i, it could exist concluded that the significant difference in the creative task was caused by individuals' multicultural feel. When the participants experienced new culture, they might produce culture shock. According to previous studies mentioned in a higher place, we could speculate that this culture shock experienced by individuals could improve their attending alertness level and increase the involvement of individuals. Therefore, we would utilise the biofeedback technology to verify the speculation as previous studies which have shown that individuals' attention alert changes would be reflected in the physiological arousal level.

Study ii

The participants may accept dissimilar physiological arousal levels when watching the slides of dissimilar cultural conditions, which would have influence on the post-obit creative tasks. This report aimed to explore the human relationship between multicultural experience and physiological arousal level.



There were 3 conditions in the experiment: American cultural priming conditions, Chinese cultural priming conditions, American–Chinese fusion culture conditions, and the blueprint of the study was a between-subjects design with 16 subjects in each condition. The subjects had not received biofeedback training in the past, had no surgical or hospitalization feel in the by ane year, and had no neuropsychiatric history. On the day of the experiment, the subjects could non practise strenuous exercise and could non overeat, smoke, drink, or take drugs. The subjects kept an empty stomach for one-half an hour earlier the experiment, and the female person subjects were not in the Menstrual Cycle. In accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (1991), the experiment was canonical past the Academic Committee of the Schoolhouse of Psychology and the local ethics commission of the School of Psychology, Southwest University in China. We had obtained appropriate ideals committee approval for the research reported, and all subjects gave written informed consent before our experiment.

Experimental Materials and Equipments

In society to assess the impact of cultural contents on the participants more than considerately, this study adopted the Dutch Spirit ten biofeedback musical instrument to collect the physiological indicators of the participants. Physical data, such every bit skin conductivity (SC), peel temperature (TEMP), electroencephalogram (EEG), blood volume (BVP), electromyography (EMG), and heart charge per unit (Hour) were collected. In this experiment, just EEG, SC, TEMP, and Hour data were collected. During the experiment, each participant was isolated in a biofeedback laboratory and did non interfere with each other. The subjects could adjust the seat and earphone volume according to the comfort level. During the experiment, the surroundings was kept quiet.

Artistic task: divergent thinking task, in which the subject was asked to write out the alternative uses of a newspaper for 2 min. In study ane, we have proved that feel multicultural could enhance inventiveness which measurement was story-writing task. Every bit there were then many ways to measure of creativity, so in report two, we would like to farther explore whether nosotros would too conclude the same upshot when we used other measuring method of the inventiveness.

Prime materials: priming atmospheric condition: American civilisation, Chinese civilisation and Chinese-American fusion civilisation. In that location are 160 images in the slides and was played with a music background of the corresponding civilisation for twenty min. After that were x min music video and 15 min TV video.

Experimental Procedures

First of all, the participants filled in the informed consent form. The experimenters debugged the biofeedback musical instrument and installed the electrode. So explained the biofeedback instrument to the participants to reduce the feet and discomfort when use of the instrument. Then, baseline levels were measured. The participants saturday in a relaxed state for five min, and the participants recorded baseline levels of EEG, SC, TEMP, and 60 minutes. The mean of the final 3 min measurement was taken as the baseline level. Afterward 5 min, the subjects were shown slides. The physiological indexes of the subjects were recorded when learned the culture. After that, the subjects completed the divergent thinking task within 2 min, and biofeedback data were collected throughout the process.

Spirit ten biofeedback instrument to collect physiological indexes of EEG, SC, TEMP, and HR. Firstly, participants were required to clean the skin, and then placed electrodes, galvanic skin electrodes were placed in the left hand index finger and ring finger, electrodes placed on the left hand pinkie skin temperature. EEG is formulated according to the international society for EEG 10–20 international EEG recording system (Wei and Luo, 2002). 2 channels ExG cables were used to conduct the lead connectedness of the electrodes. Positive 1 was placed at F4, negative 1 at A2, positive two at F3, negative 2 at Al, the grounding electrode was placed at Fz, and the blood volume (heart rate) electrode was placed at the centre finger of the left hand.

Experimental Results and Analysis

Physiological Results

Although we recorded the whole physiological indexes during the experiment, nosotros only selected data of a part of each stage in the assay, and the terminal iii min of each stage were taken for analysis (Tabular array 2).

Table 2. In the iii experimental weather condition, participants watched music video and TV video in the baseline phase.

The results showed that as for the index of SC, the main effects of four stages in each conditions were pregnant [F (two, 45) = three.557, p = 0.037, η p ii = 0.608, F (3, 135) = ii.913, p = 0.037, η p 2 = 0.362] and the interaction outcome was also significant [F (vi, 135) = 2.360, p = 0.034, η p 2 = 0.403]. In the American group, the SC gradually increased when viewing slide, while in the Chinese grouping, the SC gradually decreased. Furthermore, in that location was no significant deviation among baseline, photo and music stages, but in the video stage, the results showed significant deviation [F (2, 45) = 3.563, p = 0.037, η p 2 = 0.652]. The American group was significantly higher than the Chinese group (p = 0.029) and the fusion group (p = 0.022). Nether the American culture status, the iv stages of SC had reached marginal significant difference [F (3, 45) = 2.556, P = 0.067, η p ii = 0.601]. The photo stage was significantly college than the video stage (p = 0.026). Nether the fusion status, there is no significant departure between the four stages. Under the Chinese culture condition, the 4 stages also achieve marginal significance [F (3, 45) = 2.486, p = 0.073, η p 2 = 0.577]. Furthermore, music stage and baseline stage reached marginal significance (p = 0.078).

For each stage of the physiological indexes of three kinds of experimental conditions with one-fashion ANOVA, the results showed that when considered the left SMR index, At the baseline, photograph and music stages, there was no meaning divergence between the experimental conditions, just at the video stage, there was pregnant difference between the 3 conditions [F (2, 45) = 3.594, p = 0.036, η p 2 = 0.656]. The American group is significantly higher than the Chinese group (p = 0.05) and fusion group (p = 0.015). Similarly, as for the left β alphabetize, there was no pregnant difference betwixt the experimental atmospheric condition in the baseline, photograph and music stages, just at the video phase, there was significant departure between the iii atmospheric condition [F (2, 45) = 4.590. p = 0.015, η p two = 0.775]. The American group is significantly higher than the Chinese group (p = 0.025) and fusion group (p = 0.007).

Results of Artistic Tasks and Physiological Indexes at the Job Stage

We analyzed the results of divergent thinking task, and the results are every bit follows: divergent thinking task is scored from three aspects, including fluency, flexibility and novelty. The alphabetize of fluency referred to the number of newspaper uses. The index of flexibility is the category of newspaper utilise. The score of novelty is to summate the frequency of occurrence of each detail. If information technology is >10%, 0 points will be recorded; if it is between 5 and 10%, ane point will be recorded; if it is <5%, 2 points will exist calculated (Hu and Adey, 2002). By analyzing the information of the creative exam, we found that there is no pregnant deviation in the scores of divergent thinking tasks under the three cultural weather condition.

We too recorded biofeedback information as the participants completed their artistic tests (Tabular array 2).

The analysis showed that there was significant departure in the SC index in the creative job stage nether diverse cultural weather [F (two, 45) = iv.239, p = 0.021, η p ii = 0.608], the American group was significantly higher than the Chinese grouping (p = 0.016) and the fusion group (p = 0.015), and at that place was no deviation in other indexes nether various cultural weather condition.


Electrodermal is the excess or resistance of electrical current betwixt two points in the skin, which measures the activity of the sweat glands and reflects changes in the human physiological state. When individuals' mood is nervous or anxious and wakeful, skin surface sweat, skin conductivity and skin electricity would increment. In a relaxed state, people's mood is calm, sweat gland secretion, skin conductivity, and peel electricity would decrease (Zheng, 2003).

EEG is a kind of rhythmic nervus activity, which could also reflect the physiological arousal country of people. When the encephalon is highly awakened, the frequency is high. Otherwise, the frequency is depression. β waves, frequency range for a 12–36 Hz, appeared when experience mental tension and emotional or stimulated. β waves can be divided into three bands: depression Beta waves (12–xv Hz), namely the SMR, middle Beta waves (15–18 Hz), and high Beta waves (12–36 Hz). SMR is related with behaviors, such as analysis judgment, problem solving thinking and listening, heart Beta waves associated with intelligence and mental activity, and high Beta waves is concerned with alert and excited state (Zheng, 2003).

According to the results, the American grouping was significantly higher in the SC, left SMR and left β than the Chinese group and the fusion group when watching the video. The results showed that the physiological arousal level in American grouping was relatively high. In improver, the cultural priming conditions in the U.s.a. indeed improved the physiological arousal level of the subjects. Finally, arousal level had a significant association with attending. Arousal played an of import role in maintaining and changing the excitability of the cerebral cortex and maintaining the state of arousal. It also helped maintaining attention and focusing on consciousness (Xuemin and Xinbao, 2005). This may contribute to the next creative task. In addition, in the video stage, the left-side SMR of the American group was significantly higher than that of the other groups, indicating that the participants showed more than analytical problems, thinking, listening and other behaviors when watching video, and their brain activity level was college. Co-ordinate to Leung and Chiu (2010), researchers believed that multicultural feel promoted inventiveness because the exposure to multicultural culture expanded individuals' concepts, which enhanced the artistic operation of participants. However, the current study considered that conceptual extension was not the simply reason why multicultural feel influenced inventiveness. Confronted with new culture, individuals might be involved in attention switch and the increase of alertness level, which could help individuals to be more engaged in the post-obit creative job and thus improve their creative operation. Previous studies accept shown that the improvement of attention alertness level would be accompanied by a series of changes in physiological arousal level. The results of report ii in this study also confirmed this point and indicated that multicultural experience could increase the individual's attention alertness, which has been reflected in the change of physiological arousal level. Furthermore, previous studies have proved that the increasing of physiological arousal was related to the promotion of creative performance. That was to say, the hypothesis, which suggested that multicultural experience promoted creativity was non merely due to the expansion of individual concept, but too the improvement of individual attending alertness level has been indirectly confirmed in study 2. Unfortunately, this study did not produce direct bear witness every bit in that location was no significant divergence in the artistic tasks under the 3 conditions in study two. We speculated that this was due to a change in creative tasks. In study i, nosotros used the story-writing chore and asked the participants to brand upwards stories for Turkish children. Considering that it was to brand up a story for foreign children, in order to make the children empathize their stories improve, the participants would consider more than almost cultural differences, so that the promotion of multicultural feel on creative tasks might be more obvious. And the AUT in study 2, although information technology was a task widely used in the field of creative research, but the chore only focus on object uses itself. Essentially, AUT chore was a general field of creative task, which was less sensitive to the multicultural experience. Therefore, its promoting effect was weaker, leading to in that location was no significant divergence in creativity performance among three priming weather condition. In future studies, nosotros nonetheless need to adopt creative tasks which are more related to cultural factors to proceed exploring near it. On peak of this, information technology may also exist influenced past ecology factors. During the chore, the subjects also nerveless physiological data. As it was a paper-and-pencil test, the electrodes glued on the subjects might have some influence on the writing of the participants, thus affecting the results of the creativity test. In future studies, we should improve on this defect.

General Discussion

Reasons Why Multicultural Experiences Influence Creativity

In this study, Chinese higher students' artistic performance was higher afterward viewing the slides of American cultural elements than later viewing the slides of Chinese cultural elements and the slides without viewing any cultural elements. It may be that exposure to dissimilar cultures gives individuals the ability to perceive more of their inner functions through the surface of things. In addition, this experience may aggrandize the perception scope of participants, actuate the upper concept in a semantic network, and aggrandize the concept classification category and concept prototype, so that the individual is piece of cake to break through the mind-prepare and functional fixation (Yang, 2014). Multicultural feel besides be in problem-solving situations, enabling individuals to extract data automatically from different cultures, and integrate it in novel ways to expanding the conceptual categories in the brain by adopting seemingly unrelated concepts (Ward et al., 1997). For example, when participants were activated to experience multi-racial culture in the context of environmental demands, they could quickly transform among multiple races to amend cognitive flexibility (Gaither Due south. E. et al., 2015), thus promoting the expansion of creative ideas.

Withal, the creative task (story-writing chore and AUT) adopted in this written report was only limited to the verbal divergent thinking task related to semantic concepts, and the performance of the artistic task under the American culture priming status was better than other conditions. This was non completely consequent with the findings of Leung and Chiu. Nosotros believed that this effect first illustrated the promoting issue of multicultural feel on the creativity of Chinese higher students. Chinese college students have grown upwards under the influence of Chinese culture, and their way of thinking and behavior have been deeply branded with Chinese culture. Exposing to American cultural elements different from Chinese culture would prompt them to compare the differences between the two cultures. Compared with Chinese culture, American culture is more attractive and novel for Chinese higher students, because American culture is like shooting fish in a barrel to exist associated with open up and complimentary innovation. Therefore, the value advocated by American civilisation is more in line with the characteristics of keeping pace with the times of higher students, and so. Chinese college students are more interested in American culture and have more contact with it, and their comparison of cultural differences will exist more profound. For example, when see a picture of a hamburger, they know that it is fast food in the United States, and also accept tasted the taste of it, so, when compare it with the Chinese food, they would not merely accept it from the color shape and taste, but also tin from the means of production and textile. Therefore, they are more than likely to get new ideas, extension of the concept of food, such as prototype, they would perform meliorate in divergent thinking task.

Even so, the American college students in Leung and Chiu's study were not familiar with Chinese culture. Therefore, nether the condition of single Chinese culture initiation, they were probably unable to understand Chinese culture with the help of their American cultural noesis because they really did not know Chinese cultural elements so that it is impossible to expand the concept and form corresponding concept prototype of something. Even so, for Chinese higher students, why did they perform better in the verbal creative task merely under the American culture conditions and in that location was no deviation between fusion status and Chinese civilization condition? We believed that Chinese college students are more familiar with American culture than American students are with Chinese culture, and American culture is more novel and attractive to Chinese students than Chinese civilisation to American students. Mendelsohn (1976) emphasized the importance of attention process in creative operation and thus influences the post-obit creative tasks. He believed that the difference in individual concentration level is the main reason for the difference in creativity level. Studies by Dewing and Battye (1971); Dykes and Mcghie (1976) and Kasof (1997) showed that individuals with low creativity level had narrower attending than those with high creativity level. So the Chinese students nether American civilization priming status would actively assay the differences between these two cultures due to attending resource were attracted to novel and relatively familiar elements of American culture, so that the concept or concept of something is expanded to form a concept paradigm that helps to inspire the next verbal artistic task to be completed. Nevertheless, the Chinese higher students under the fusion condition contacted between the 2 kinds of cultural elements alternatively, then they needed to continue switching between the two kinds of civilisation. On the one manus, it may extend the participants' concepts of something, and on the other manus, information technology may besides limit the scope of participants' idea or concept extension. Therefore, the performance of exact creative task is limited. In addition, this study participants were higher students nether the background of Chinese civilisation, cultural experience is still the dominant Chinese culture, and the Chinese culture elements nether the fusion condition may be a ceiling effect. Besides, the priming effect of American cultural elements is less than one-half that of American cultural groups in terms of time and quantity. Therefore, the diversity of participants' multicultural experience nether American cultural atmospheric condition may exist superior to that of fusion cultural groups so the performance of the creative task is better than that of the fusion culture grouping.

Multicultural Experiences Touch on the Physiological Basis of Creativity

In study 2, the participants' galvanic skin gradually ascension under the American culture conditions. This may be caused by exposure to new cultural shocks, indicating that the American cultural priming group caused higher physiological arousal of the subjects, and the activation level of the subjects was relatively high, which may have some influence on the following artistic tasks. High activation levels can increase the degree of individual attention. In addition, as for the indexes of left SMR and left β in American civilisation group is higher than other groups. It suggested that the brain action levels in the left hemisphere were as well higher when the subjects viewed a slide of American culture. Some psychologists take shown that the left hemisphere of the brain is involved in continuous processing of analytical language, while the right hemisphere is involved in the overall processing of visual images. Therefore, it is possible that when the subjects watched the American culture slide, they compared and processed the American civilisation elements and the Chinese civilisation elements, which expanded the concept of words and words, thus enhancing the activity of the brain.

Finally, there was no departure between the cultural priming groups in the divergent thinking task, which might be caused past the influence of external environmental factors. When the subject was conducting the experiment, the electrode plate was glued on the left manus, which was a certain obstacle to the completion of paper and pencil test, and thus had an impact on the experimental results.

Deficiencies and Prospects of the Research

In current study nosotros but used photograph, music and video, if we tin likewise provide some information about people how to solve the similar problems in different cultural environment of the material, the multicultural experience obtained at this moment, may not only promote the semantically related creative tasks, such as divergent thinking task, but also help the creative problems like graphical insight problem solving. Of form, information technology remains to exist validated in farther research. In addition, the multicultural experience priming weather used American culture. However, With the increasing economic and cultural exchanges betwixt China and the Us, especially in instruction of Communist china, American civilization is no totally strange for Chinese college students. It remains to exist seen whether similar results could emerge if the experimental conditions were changed to a completely unfamiliar culture, or alter the participants with less knowledge of American civilisation. As well, in the 2nd experiment, creative tasks under the unlike weather has no meaning deviation. It may be because during the paper-pencil tests, the electrodes were glued on the hands of the participants, which had a certain hindering effect on the completion of the task, which should be improved in future experiments.


The multicultural experiences accept a significant promoting issue on the inventiveness of the bailiwick, but such promoting consequence depends on:(i) whether the subject really obtains the multicultural experience; only when the subject has a certain agreement of the new culture tin the multicultural experience exist formed; (ii) the participants acquired the prototype characteristics contained in the multicultural experience. If the multicultural experience included the prototype that had a promoting effect on the creative work, the multicultural experience had a promoting outcome on the inventiveness. In add-on, the activation of American culture volition increase the physiological arousal level of the individual, increase brain activity, and improve the attention level of the participants, thus contributing to the post-obit creative tasks.

Author Contributions

LT and GC contributed formulation and design of the study. XW performed the statistical assay and LT wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the submitted version.

Disharmonize of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or fiscal relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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How Has America Been Influenced Culturally By Foreign Production Services,


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